1. What and when was the Industrial Revolution?
The era known as the Industrial revolution took place during the 18th ceuntury in most of the western Europe; especially England was at the centre of this rapid-changing enrionment (industrialisation process was most highly accelerated in England)
Industrial Revolution can be defined as the application of power-driven machinery to manufacturing. Basically it was a turning point in history, where developments in various areas such as agriculture, textile and metal manufacture, transportation and economic policies all contributed towards this change.
Both paintings featured on this blog, that are from the early 1900s were painted by Modernist painters from the group called 'Futurists'. The Futurists celebrated the machine, and objects in motion. Their primary objective was to depict movement, which they saw as symbolic of their commitment to the dynamic forward thrust of the 20th century.
2. Research both Modernist paintings in order to comment on the subject matter, form and style used to celebrate the machine and motion in each painting. Answer the question in 2 parts for each painting.
The City Rises (1910) Umberto Boccioni |
Boccioni's 'The City rises' depicts a scene where mens on a construction site
tries to utilise the power of horses in their labours. The main subject matter in this work is the horse as it appears to be the center of the focus, positioned right in the middle of the picture plane; the idea of power and strength is clearly delivered to the viewer through the horse. Other subject matters also include the figures and the construction of a new modern buildings on a backdrop; these also suggests the celebration of the development and industrialisation.
The forms in this painting are mostly defined by the blocks of colours and the use of multiple brushworks; some line works at the back too. Quick, lively brush strokes creates a spontaneous, energetic atmosphere, also added by the use of strong, vibrant colour palette such as reds, blues, greens and yellows (primary colours). These colours are juxtaposed to crate a 3D-like look and achieves more dynamic mood which hints on the concept of movement and motion.
Dynamism of a dog on a leash (1912) Giacomo Balla |
The subject matter in this work are quite straight forward;the scene depicts a lady walking a dog. But what makes this painting fascinating is what lies behind the technique that Balla uses to create this effect of motion and movement.
Blur of multiple images are overlayed on top of each other to create this frame-by-frame view; almost resembling multiple photographic exposures of a moving object.
The forms are identified through the stark black colour and multiple layers of flowing lacey veils.
Cao Fei's RMB City (2007-9) refers to China's recent rapid industialisation and urbanization.
3. Research Cao Fei's RMB City (2007-9) in order to comment on this work in more depth.
i.e what images has she used in her digital collage that refer to China's present and history, and why has she used these.
RMB City (2007-2009) Cao Fei |
piece of work. These visual images represents the recent urban and cultural explosion of China.
Some of the images include -: Chinese flag, Panda, wheel of the bicycle, Chinese charaters,
“Named after Chinese money, RMB City shows a perverse view of Beijing—a blend of communism, socialism, and capitalism.” It is said to be constantly under construction, always changing like the city Beijing.
4. RMB City is described as a utopia/dystopia. Comment on what these terms mean, and how they can be applied to the work.
The term 'utopia' was first coined from the greek word 'ou-topos' meaning 'no place' 'nowhere'; this is really interesting as this is a pun - the almost identical greek word 'eu-topos' means a good place. Basically, Utopia refers to the imaginary place that would never exist in reality but if it had, it would be an ideal community or society under a perfect condition; a pleasant place to live.
On the other hand, dystopia, alternatively known as cacotopia or anti-utopia, is described as the direct opposite of utopia; thus meaning a destructive, unpleasant place.
RMB City can be directly compared to both utopia and dystopia as it has both qualities.
5. Although the Modernist paintings and the contemporary digital work have emerged from
different contexts, there are also many similarities. Comment on the similarities that you can see in the work. Look at the moving digital image atvimeo.com/4272260, if you have not already researched it.
Although the three art works 'The city rises', 'Dynamism of a dog on a leash' and 'RMB city' differs in the way it was constructed and produced (the use of different medium and approach), these works do have one thing in common: they all deal with the idea of motion/ movement and the celebration of industrialisation: working with what's current at the time.
- Montagna, J.A. (2011). The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved April 17, 2011, from http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1981/2/81.02.06.x.html
- Wildy, J. (2010). Futurism and Umberto Boccioni's The City Rises. Retrieved April 17, 2011, from http://www.suite101.com/content/futurism-and-umberto-boccionis-the-city-rises-a280519
- Lubbock, T. (2009). Great Works: Dynamism of A Dog on a Leash (1912) Giacomo Balla. Retrieved April 17, 2011, from http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/art/great-works/great-works-dynamism-of-a- dog-on-a-leash-1912-giacomo-balla-1781174.html
-RMB City Planning Video Clip. Retrieved April 17, 2011, from http://vimeo.com/4272260
I like what you said about Boccioni's 'The City rises' very interesting how movement can be depicted through a still image. the idea of construction and new ideas and new things being created also comes through in this image through the use of colours. showing growth and development which you also mentioned. and to look at how even the brush strokes of the artist in a painting like this tell us a story and help to communicate its message too.